Sobotské námestie 27, 058 01 Poprad

Opening hours: Mon-Sun 11:30 - 21:00


MBM Tatry, s.r.o., Nám. Sv. Egídia 114, 058 01 Poprad, Prevádzka : Doma u nás, Sobotské nám. 27, 058 01 Poprad – Sp. Sobota COMPLAINTS Agenda ACCOMMODATION 

To ensure a fast and correct procedure for handling complaints about the services provided in the accommodation facility at home, we issue in accordance with the relevant provisions of Act no. 250/2007 Coll. on Consumer Protection, the Commercial Code 513/1991 and the Civil Code - Act no. 47/1992, as amended, the following complaint procedure: 

Article I
The right to complain about services 

If the consumer finds that the provided accommodation services, resp. related services have a defect, he has the right to complain about it. If the consumer finds that the accommodation service provided is defective, he must advise his right to the manager of the establishment or to a staff member authorized by him without undue delay; his right expires if it has not been advised within 6 months of the provision of the service. When making a complaint, the consumer shall submit receipt of the services provided, receipt of payment for the services whose defect he is complaining about. 

Article II
Responsibility of the organization 

If the consumer advises the right of liability for service defects, the head of the hotel and restaurant or an employee authorized by him is obliged to decide on the complaint immediately after a professional assessment. If it is not possible to handle the complaint immediately or the manager of the operation or an employee authorized by him does not consider it justified, he is obliged to write a record of the complaint with the consumer. The record shall state the exact designation of the service and the time when it was provided, the defects alleged and the request for handling the complaint. The consumer will receive a copy of the record. If it is a complex case, the head of the organisation is obliged to decide on the complaint within 3 working days. This time does not include the time required for a professional assessment of the defect. However, the settlement of the complaint may not take longer than 30 days. After this period, the consumer has the same rights as if it were a defect that cannot be remedied. If the complaint is not accepted within three working days, the operator is obliged to have the provided service professionally assessed. At the request of the supervisory authority, the operator is obliged to prove the sending or the results of the expert assessment. If the consumer is not satisfied with the handling of the complaint, he can advise his right in court. 

Article III
Irreparable defects of the provided service 

- If it is not possible to rectify the technical defects in the room allocated to the consumer, and if the accommodation cannot provide the consumer with other alternative accommodation and the room is rented by agreement despite such a defect, the consumer has the right to

reasonable discount from the room rate,
cancellation of the contract, usually before the night and for a refund, if it has already been paid.

Article IV
Deadlines for making a complaint 

The consumer is obliged to file a complaint without undue delay, no later than the end of the warranty period. This complaint agenda is valid from 01. 08.2021. 

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