Sobotské námestie 27, 058 01 Poprad

Opening hours: Mon-Sun 11:30 - 21:00



 Your personal data is processed in accordance with all generally binding legal regulations in force in the Slovak Republic, in particular, but not exclusively in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data. and on the free movement of such data, repealing Directive 95/46 / EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (hereinafter „GDPR“) and Law no. 18/2018 Coll. on Personal Data Protection, as amended (hereinafter referred to as the “Personal Data Protection Act”). 

In these rules you will find details about what personal data our company processes, for what purpose, why we need your consent to the processing of personal data. You will also find here information about us, a summary of your rights and how to contact us and the procedure if you want to find out more information about the processing of personal data or if you want to exercise your rights under the GDPR. 

The operator is: 

MBM Tatry, s.r.o., with registered office: Nám. Sv. Egídia 114, 058 01 Poprad – Spišská Sobota 

ID: 46476741, VAT ID: SK2820005991, entered in the Commercial Register of OS Prešov, dept .: Sro, vl. no .: 25314 / P, e-mail:, tel. No .: +421 948 960 760 

The responsible person – the contact person is Ing. Maroš Baľo, MBA, 

e-mail:, t.č. +421 948 960 760 

As of …………….. it is an external supplier of accounting and auditing services: 

………………………………………….. ………………………………………….. ……………………… 

For the purposes of personal data protection, the following shall be considered to be a data subject: 

• any natural person who uses the services offered by our company, 

• any natural person who is the authorized representative of a customer of our company who uses the services offered by our company (in any legal relationship with the customer), 

• any natural person who visits our company’s website, 

• any natural person who visits the stores of our company in the Slovak Republic. 

We use the personal data you provide to us exclusively to enable us to provide you with quality services and also to improve our range of services for you. 

Purpose of personal data processing: 

– purchase and sale of goods over the Internet, including its delivery to the client 

– client records 

– records of incoming and outgoing mail (letters, suggestions, complaints, etc.) in paper or electronic form 

– reservation, sale and use of services by clients in the operator’s facilities and control of their use 

– processing of accounting documents and agenda associated with its processing 

– providing discounts, bonuses, loyalty programs 

Retention period of personal data and legal basis for the processing of personal data: 

We process personal data depending on whether you are our client, or just want to become one, or you are a participant in a loyalty program. The processing of personal data is necessary for the fulfillment of the contract of carriage, ie for the use of our services. We keep your personal data only for the necessary time. If you are our current or former client, we store your personal data for the duration of the contract of carriage, or participation in the loyalty program, later for the period of fulfilling legal obligations (eg the obligation to archive accounting documents is in accordance with Act No. 431/2002 Coll. on accounting for 10 years). If you are a member of a loyalty program, we store your personal information in accordance with the previous sentence or until you revoke your consent. The processing of your data is necessary for the performance of the contract of carriage to which you are a party or for us to take measures on the basis of your order / reservation before concluding the contract of carriage. In relation to the loyalty program, the legal basis is your consent. 

Scope of processing: 

We process client data, which is necessary for the implementation of orders, ie for concluding a contract and providing a loyalty program. These are the following personal data: title, name, surname, residence, temporary residence, delivery address, e-mail, telephone number, date of birth, birth number, IP address, cookies, bank account details, signature, booking time. 


We use cookies to adapt the content of our website to your preferences. Cookies are small data files that our website sends to your computer or mobile device, where they are stored. If you do not agree with the use of cookies, set the rules for the use of cookies in your browser. If you disable the use of cookies, the functionality of the website may be limited. 

Source of personal data: the originators of personal data are the clients themselves. Personal data does not come from publicly available sources. Personal data is processed for the above purposes, in particular by communication with clients, written correspondence, by telephone or electronically. 

Information whether there is an automated decision-making, including profiling: the provided personal information does not go through the process of automated decision-making and on the basis of the provided personal data there is no profiling in the sense of Art. 22 GDPR. 

Rights of the person concerned: 

In accordance with the GDPR, we would like to inform you about the rights related to the processing of your personal data. 

1. The right of access to personal data 

According to Art. 15 GDPR you have the right to obtain confirmation from us as to whether our company processes your personal data concerning you, and if so, you have the right to gain access to this personal data. According to no. 15 par. 3 GDPR will provide you with a copy of the personal data being processed. We may charge a reasonable fee for any additional copies you request, commensurate with the administrative costs. If you submit your application by electronic means, the information shall be provided in a commonly used electronic form, unless you request otherwise. 

At the same time, you have the right to obtain information about the processing of your personal data to the following extent: 

a) the purposes of the processing, 

b) the categories of personal data concerned, 

(c) the recipients or categories of recipients to whom the personal data have been or will be provided, in particular recipients in third countries or international organizations, 

d) if possible, the expected retention period of personal data or, if this is not possible, the criteria for its determination, 

e) the existence of the right to require the controller to correct or delete or restrict the processing of personal data concerning the data subject, or the right to object to such processing, 

f) the right to lodge a complaint to the supervisory authority, 

(g) if personal data have not been obtained from the data subject, any available information as to its source; 

(h) the existence of automated decision-making, including the profiling referred to in Article 22 (2); 1 and 4 and in these cases at least meaningful information on the procedure used as well as the meaning and expected consequences of such processing for the person concerned, 

(i) where personal data are transferred to a third country or to an international organization, the data subject shall have the right to be informed of the adequate safeguards provided for in Article 46 concerning the transfer. 

2. The right to rectification 

According to Art. 16 GDPR you have the right to request that we correct incorrect personal data concerning you without undue delay. With regard to the purposes of processing, you have the right to supplement incomplete personal data, including by providing a supplementary statement. 

3. Right to erase (right to be forgotten) 

In accordance with Art. 17 GDPR you have the right to request MBM Tatry s.r.o. to delete personal data concerning you without undue delay and we are obliged to delete personal data without undue delay if any of the following reasons is met: 

(a) personal data are no longer required for the purposes for which they were obtained or otherwise processed; 

b) you withdraw the consent on the basis of which the processing of your personal data is carried out, pursuant to Article 6 para. 1 letter (a) or Article 9 (1) 2 letter (a) the GDPR, and unless there is another legal basis for processing; 

(c) object to the processing referred to in Article 21 (2). 1 of the GDPR and no legitimate grounds for processing prevail or object to the processing under Article 21 (1) of the GDPR. 2 GDPR, 

(d) personal data have been processed illegally; 

(e) personal data must be deleted in order to comply with a legal obligation under Union law or the law of the Member State to which we are subject; 

(f) personal data have been collected in connection with the offer of information society services pursuant to Article 8 (1). 1 GDPR. 

With reference to Art. 17 par. 3 GDPR the deletion of personal data is not possible if the processing is necessary: 

(a) the exercise of the right to freedom of expression and information; 

(b) to fulfill a legal obligation requiring processing under Union law or the law of the Member State to which we are subject, or to fulfill a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority conferred on the operator, 

(c) for reasons of public interest in the field of public health in accordance with Article 9 (2). 2 letter h) and i), as well as Article 9 par. 3, 

(d) for archiving purposes in the public interest, for scientific or historical research purposes or for statistical purposes in accordance with Article 89 (2). 1, where the law referred to in paragraph 1 is likely to make it impossible or seriously difficult to achieve the objectives of such processing, or 

(e) to prove, assert or defend legal claims. 

4. The right to restrict processing 

Under Article 18 of the GDPR, you have the right to request us to restrict the processing of your personal data in one of the following cases: 

a) you challenge the accuracy of your personal data, during the period allowing MBM Tatry s.r.o. verify the accuracy of personal data, 

b) the processing of your personal data is illegal and you object to the deletion of personal data and request instead to restrict their use, 

c) MBM Tatry s.r.o. no longer needs your personal data for processing purposes, but needs it to prove, assert or defend your legal claims, 

(d) object to the processing referred to in Article 21 (2). 1 GDPR, until verification that the justified reasons on the part of MBM Tatry s.r.o. prevail over your legitimate reasons. 

If the processing of your personal data is restricted as a result of the above, such personal data, with the exception of storage, is processed only with your consent or to prove, assert or defend legal claims, or to protect the rights of another natural or legal person, or for important public reasons. interest of the Union or a Member State. 

If the processing of personal data in the sense of no. 18 GDPR, we are obliged to inform you before the processing restriction is lifted. 

5. The right to data portability 

According to Art. 20 GDPR you have the right to obtain personal data concerning you and which you have provided to us in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and you have the right to transfer this data to another operator without we preventing you in any way if: 

(a) the processing is based on your consent in accordance with Article 6 (2); 1 letter (a) the GDPR or Article 9 (1); 2 letter (a) the GDPR, or on a contract pursuant to Article 6 (1); 1 letter b) GDPR, a 

(b) the processing is carried out by automated means. 

6. The right to withdraw consent to the processing of personal data 

Because we also collect and process your personal data with your consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent to the processing of personal data obtained with your consent at any time (Article 7 (3) of the GDPR). Withdrawal of consent shall not affect the lawfulness of the processing resulting from the consent prior to its withdrawal. 

If you revoke your consent to the processing of personal data, the contractual relationship between you and MBM Tatry s.r.o. will be terminated. due to the fact that we can no longer provide you with our services without your consent to the processing of personal data. 

Despite the revocation of the consent to the processing of personal data, their deletion can occur only if none of the exceptions listed in Art. 17 par. 3 GDPR. 

The processing of personal data is NECESSARY to perform the service. We will not be able to provide you with services without the processing of personal data. 

7. The right to object 

Pursuant to Article 21 of the GDPR, you have the right at any time to object, on grounds relating to your specific situation, to the processing of personal data concerning you which is carried out pursuant to Article 6 (1). 1 letter (e) or (f) GDPR, including objections to profiling based on those provisions. MBM Tatry s.r.o. may not further process personal data unless it demonstrates the necessary legitimate reasons for the processing which outweigh your interests, rights and freedoms, or the reasons for proving, asserting or defending legal claims. 

If personal data is processed for the purposes of direct marketing, you have the right at any time to object to the processing of personal data concerning you for the purposes of such marketing, including profiling to the extent that it relates to such direct marketing. 

If you object to the processing of your personal data for direct marketing purposes, personal data may no longer be processed for such purposes. 

8. The right to lodge a complaint to the supervisory authority 

According to Art. 77 GDPR has the right to complain to the supervisory authority, in particular in the Member State of your habitual residence, the place of work or the alleged breach, if you consider that the processing of personal data concerning you is contrary to the GDPR. 

In Slovakia, the competent authority is: 

Office for Personal Data Protection, Hraničná 12, 820 07, Bratislava 27, Slovak republic 

tel.:+421232313214, e-mail:, website: 

The provision of personal data is a contractual requirement, ie a requirement that is necessary for the conclusion of a contract. 

The processing of personal data is NECESSARY to perform the service. We will not be able to provide you with services without the processing of personal data.