Sobotské námestie 27, 058 01 Poprad

Opening hours: Mon-Sun 11:30 - 21:00

General Terms and Conditions

General Terms and Conditions

1. Service provider details

Business name: MBM Tatry s.r.o.
Registered seat: Nam. Sv. Egidia 114, 058 01 Poprad
Establishment: Doma u Nas, Sobotske namestie 27, 058 01 Poprad
ID: 46476741
VAT: 2820005991

2. General conditions

2.1. These "General Terms and Conditions" govern the use of accommodation facilities of the Service Provider, and the services provided by them.
2.2. Special and individual conditions are not part of the published General Terms and Conditions, but do not exclude the conclusion of special agreements with travel agencies, travel organizers, in individual cases with different conditions corresponding to the type of business.

3. Contracting Party

3.1. Services provided by providers, used by Guest.
2.2. Special and individual conditions are not part of the published General Terms and Conditions, but do not exclude the conclusion of special agreements with travel agencies, travel organizers, in individual cases with different conditions corresponding to the type of business.
3.3. If the order of services on behalf of the Guest is handed to Provider by a third party (hereinafter the Intermediary), then the conditions of cooperation are regulated by a contract concluded between the Service Providers and the Intermediary.

4. Origin of the contract, method of reservation, modification of the reservation, notification obligation

4.1. Upon oral or written request of the Guest for an offer, the Service Provider sends an offer. If a specific order is not delivered within 48 hours from sending the offer, then the binding nature of the offer of the Service Provider expires.
4.2. The Contract is created by a written confirmation of the Guest's oral or written reservation by the Service Provider, and is considered to be a Contract concluded in writing. An oral reservation, agreement, modification or its oral confirmation by the Service Provider does not considered as a contract.
4.3. By confirming the reservation of the hotel reception, an accommodation contract has been concluded between the guests and the landlords according to § 754 and also of the Civil Code. By concluding an accommodation contract, the guest gets the right for a temporary accommodation in the booked hotel room, for the time and under the conditions according to the confirmed reservation. The contract for the use of accommodation services is concluded for a definite period.
4.3.1. If the guest leaves the room definitively before the end of the specified period, then the service provider is entitled to a proportionate consideration for the services specified in the Contract. The Service Provider is entitled to re-monetize the room that was vacated before the expiration of the specified period.
4.3.2. To extend the use of accommodation services initiated by the Guest, the prior consent of the Service Provider is required. In such a case, the service provider may reserve compensation for the services already provided.
4.4. A written agreement signed by the Contracting Parties is required to amend and / or supplement the contract.

5. Cancellation policy

The property is entitled to charge the following cancellation fees in the event that the guest cancels the reservation in writing, electronically or by fax within the following periods:
- more than 14 days before arrival free of charge
- 14 to 7 days before arrival 50% of the price of accommodation
- less than 7 days before arrival 100% of the price of accommodation. In case the guest starts the stay and decides to cancel or shorten the stay for various reasons, a cancellation fee of 100% of the price of accommodation is also charged.

6. Prices

6.1. Hotel prices per room will be posted in the room or at the hotel reception. 6.2. The service provider may change its published prices without prior notice.
6.3. Simultaneously with the announcement of prices, the Service Provider will also announce the rate of taxes contained in the prices (VAT, recreation fee), determined by law, valid at the time of sending the offer. The service provider may, in addition, transfer the costs caused by the amendment of the applicable tax laws (VAT, recreation fee) to the Contracting Party.
6.4. Current discounts, promotions, other offers will be announced on the website
6.5. Specific prices, discounts and conditions of stay for children, discounts are available on the page of the offer.

7. Method of payment, guarantee

7.1. The service provider requires a countervalue for the services provided to the Contracting Party, at the latest after their use, before leaving the hotel, but within the individual agreement they can also provide the possibility of later payment.
7.2. Service provider to guarantee the use of services under the Contract, and composition of countervalue:
(a) may require a credit card guarantee during which the consideration for the ordered and confirmed service will be debited on the card;
b) The service provider may request an advance payment on all or part of the services provided
7.5. The costs associated with the use of any method of payment shall be borne by the Contracting Party.

8. Method and conditions of using services

8.1. The guest can occupy the room on the day of arrival from 14:00 (Check in) and is obliged to leave it on the last day of stay in the morning, until 10:00 (Checkout),
8.2. If the guest wishes to occupy the room before the following dates of the day of arrival. the last night before the day of arrival will also be charged.

9. Pets

9.1. It is not possible to bring pets to the hotel nor restaurant. It may be possible only with agreement with the operator. 

10, Refusal to perform the contract, termination of the obligation to provide services

10.1. The Service Provider is entitled to terminate the Contract of Accommodation Services immediately. and thereby refuse to provide the Services. if:
a) The guest does not use the room or equipment provided to him for the purpose for which it is intended:
b) The guest behaves against the safety, the order of the hotel, towards its employees in an undesirable, rude manner, is under the influence of alcohol or drugs, behaves insultingly or in another unacceptable way;
c) The guest suffers from an infectious disease;
d) The Contracting Party fails to fulfill its obligations to pay the advance payment specified in the Contract by the specified deadline.
10.2. If the Agreement between the parties is not fulfilled due to "force majeure", the contract will terminate.

11. Location Guarantee

11.1. If the Service Provider's hotel is unable to provide the services specified in the Contract due to its own fault (eg overcrowding, temporary operational problems, etc.), the Service Provider is obliged to take care of the Guest's accommodation without delay.
11.2. The service provider is obliged to:
a) to provide / offer the services specified in the Contract, at the price confirmed in the Contract, for the period specified therein - or until the removal of obstacles - in another hotel of the same or higher category. All additional costs associated with the provision of alternative accommodation shall be borne by the Service Provider;
b) provide a one-time call for the Guest free of charge, to notify the change of the place of accommodation;
c) arrange for the Guest to transfer free of charge for moving to alternative accommodation and for possible later moving back.
11.3. If the Service Provider fully fulfills all these obligations, or if the Guest has accepted the offered alternative accommodation option, the Contracting Party may not subsequently claim compensation.

12. Rights of the Contracting Party

12.1. Pursuant to the contract, the Guest is entitled to use the ordered room according to the method of its determination, as well as facilities that belong to the range of usual services and for which no special conditions apply.
12.2. The guest may file a complaint in connection with the services provided by the Service Provider during the stay in the hotels. The service provider undertakes to deal with a complaint which was demonstrably delivered to him in writing during this period (or the minutes of the complaint were written by him).

 13. Obligations of the Contracting Party

13.1. The Contracting Party is obliged to pay the consideration for the services ordered in the Contract by the deadline and in the manner specified in the Contract.
13.2. The guest will ensure that a child under the age of 12 - entrusted to his care - stays in the service provider's hotel only under the supervision of an adult.
13.3. Guests are not allowed to bring their own food / drinks to the hotel's restaurant.

14. Obligation of the Contracting Party to compensate for damages

The Guest is liable for damages and disadvantages that the Service Provider or a third party suffers through the fault of the Guest, or his accompanying person, or other persons for whom the Guest is responsible. This liability also applies if the injured party has the right to claim compensation directly from the Service Provider.

15. Obligations of the Service Provider

The service provider is obliged to:
a) perform accommodation and other services ordered under the contract, in accordance with applicable regulations, service standards;
b) investigate the guest's written complaint resp. complaints and take the necessary steps to solve the problem, for which he is obliged to write minutes. When making a complaint, follow the complaint procedure

16. The Service Provider's obligation to compensate for damages

16.1. The Service Provider shall be liable for all damages suffered by the Guest due to the Service Provider or its employees in the Service Provider's facilities.
16.1.1. The Service Provider's liability does not cover damage-causing events arising from unavoidable reasons that are beyond the competence of the Service Provider's employees and its guests, or that the guest has caused himself.
16.1.2 The service provider may designate places in the hotel where guests do not have access. The Service Provider is not responsible for any damages, injuries caused in these places.
16.1.3. The guest must immediately report the damage to the hotel and provide the hotel with all the information necessary to clarify the circumstances of the event causing the damage, or to write a police record / initiate a police investigation.
16.2. The Service Provider is liable for damages caused to the accommodated Guest by loss, destruction or damage to his belongings, if the Guest stored them in a place designated by the Service Provider, or in a place usually designated for this purpose, or in his room, or handed over by the Guest to the Service Provider's employees. , which he could consider entitled to take over his belongings.
16.2.1. The Service Provider is only liable for securities, securities, and cash if the item has been expressly taken into custody or the damage has been caused for reasons for which it is liable under the General Terms and Conditions. In such a case, proving is the duty of the Guest.

17. Discreetness

The service provider is obliged to proceed according to the guidelines on data processing according to Act 18/2018 Coll. In accordance with later regulations.

Vis major

Reason or circumstance (for example: fire, flood, bad weather, power failure, serious epidemics, state of emergency by government decision and current decrees of the UVZ SR), which are not in force of the party (force majeure), exempt all parties from fulfilling obligations, resulting from the contract, for the duration of that reason or circumstance. The Parties agree to use their best endeavors to minimize the possibility of such reasons and circumstances occurring and to cause injury to such reasons.